Intel Galileo development Documentation
Author:Liutianchen 1552227, Department of Computer Science,Electronical and Information Engineering Institution of Tongji University
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Section 1 StartUp
Prerequisites and IDE installation
Before starting the development of Intel Galileo,there are several preparations to make.The software recommended to be download are as follows
- Intel Galileo Arduino IDE
- CDM WHQL Certification -Drivers for the serial ports on the board
- PuTTY -the SSH client for the communication between the board and computer
- IoT devkit prof dev image galileo - the official linux system image published by Intel for The Galileo board
- Win32 Disk Manager -to flash the system image to the board. The Linux system image is not an ISO file, so the UltraISO is invalid
Due to the fact that the source of intel is not stable enough, the online installation is never recommended. Predownloading will save time. I prefer to download the software for win and linux and save them together.
The IDE setup and win32 setup is user friendly, there is no need to descript more. The following operation is assumed execute on Windows 10
After the installation, we need to configure the software
WARNING:Before connected to computer, the power must be plug-in Because the DC-AC chip on the board TPS652510 have to suffer high eletricity on plug-in the power. If other ports connected before the power on. It is extra possible to damage the board.
Configuration the Intel Galileo Arduino IDE
Tools->Board->Intel Galileo Board Gen 1/2
Open the Device Manager(Win + X,M),check the COM item,if there is USB SERIAL PORT(COM?),remember the No.
Go back to the IDE
Tools->Ports->COM?(That No.)
Till now, the Intel Galileo IDE has successfully connected to the Board
Update the board firmware and flash System
Here is how to flash the official system to the board
Actually, it is not a standard Linux system. Yocto Linux is a series of utilities which are served for the establishment of a new-build Embedded Linux System . The official system image is the Yocto Linux compiled with Intel Galileo Drivers which can startup the board and accompish some basic task
To flash the image to the board
- Download the image
- Connect the microSD card to your PC
- use the tool Win32 Disk Manager to flash the system into the card
- Insert the card into the board and power-on the board
It is rather simple,isn't it?
Unfortunately, the Galileo Gen1 doesn't provide video output such like VGA or HDMI (like some PI). Because the board is applied to the occasion without display demand
So, to visit the system, use the tool above PuTTY via the port like 3.5mm earphone port. Set the port NO. referred in the Windows Device Manager as the connector between PuTTY and board via SSH protocol and set the speed 115200. CLick login, there would appear the login window. The origin code is blank so just press enter twice. And then you already logged in the "Pseudo Linux Environment" on the board.
Flash Precompiled Debian Image to SD card
If there is requirement of some utilities and functions constructed in the Standard Linux, it is necessary to build up the Debian Linux onto the board To exert the full potential of the board, the Debian system is the most efficient and effective Linux distribution that recommended
To flash the Debian Linux onto the board, 3 steps is enough
- Download the precompiled debian linux image from
- Unzip the package and download Rawrite32, connect the object SD card to PC
- Start NetBSD Disk Manager (RaWrite32.exe),choose the downloaded image and the SD drive, click Write to disk
Then plug the SD card to the galileo board and restart the board(poweroff and poweron), the Grub boot will check if there is boot partition on the sdcard first before booting from local flash chips
WARNING: Due to the fact that the processor carried on the board is designed for the low-energy-cost scene. The process of start up and some instruction such as "apt-get update" would be extremely slower than the experience on PC or laptop. Please avoid the execuation that cost huge system resources, and try to finish more preworks on the host computor
To connect to the Internet
- Plugin the Ethernet Port
- Make sure the route has set up DHCP service
- Restart the network service on board
In Yocto Project system, service is not supplied.Please execute: /etc/init.d/networking restart to restart network service file,config files will catch distributed netport automatically
Section 2 Arduino Peripherals : Grove - Starter Kit Plus
Intel Galileo Gen1 use the Base Shield to communicate with Groove instruments, the function of base shield seems like the GPIO board
To start the peripherals development and implement your ideas, download the SketchBooks from Seeed Studio Git Page, you can search Arduino or Galileo.
- Unzip the downloaded files to a achived repositary
- Open the Intel Arduino IDE
- Connect the board to your PC, check the COM Port is exist
- Click File->Preference->Browse the sketchbook locationand select your unzip repositary
Then click the sketchbook index, there will be a list of examples present the Method to drive the peripherals
Section 3 Yocto Project
Yocto Constructure
Yocto project includes a series of tools for the embedded development
- Poky
- 元数据集
- 板卡支持包
- BitBake
- Hob
- 应用程序开发包-ADT